Soft water is worth its weight in cash

Water is a gift of nature and now more than ever is a precious commodity. But it was not created exactly the same everywhere. Only by further treatment it acquires the properties required for a specific use. Limestone deposits formed, overlays, and so-called limestone erosion. It forms an insulating layer, which is established in boilers,…

Proxitane® AHC - Ефективен срещу птичи грип (H5N1)

Proxitane® AHC – Effective against bird flu (H5N1)

Avian influenza type A / H5N1 / is highly pathogenic viral disease in birds and spreads air from wild birds more susceptible breeds. It can be transmitted through contaminated food, water, equipment and clothing. The disease can be transmitted to humans by contact with infected animals. The effect of Proxitane® AHC has been tested in…

1001-а Възможни употреби на Сода бикарбонат

1001-a possible uses of Baking soda

BICAR FCC – Ideal for easy washing and cleaning of the following products: • Fruits and vegetables • pans, tableware and cutlery • Delicate surfaces without scratching Removes impurities from fruits and vegetables. To remove impurities from them, wax, etc. any leftovers, remember that fruits and vegetables should be washed with water and Bicar®FCC sodium…

Калцирана сода

Soda ash

Sodium carbonate / soda ash Calcined sodaE500 – Sodium carbonates (Sodium carbonates). Sodium carbonate / calcined soda – Na2CO3 Sodium carbonate (soda ash) (Chemical formula Na2CO3) is prepared by reacting sodium hydroxide and carbon dioxide: 2NaOH + CO2 → Na2CO3 + H2O Soda ash is a major product of the inorganic synthesis of wide application.…

Натриев бикарбонат за животновъдството - BICAR Z

Sodium bicarbonate for animal – BICAR Z

Sodium bicarbonate for animal – BICAR Z BICAR Z – Sodium bicarbonate, a high quality product for animal husbandry. Breeders must continually comply animal feed to changing climatic and biological conditions. Carefully balanced diet is vital to the profitability and quality of the final product. Sodium bicarbonate is a natural buffer polyvalent and stable product.…

Сода каустик - люспи, микроперли

Caustic soda (flakes and microspheres)

Сода каустик (люспи и микроперли) NaOH – sodium hydroxide (caustic soda – flakes and microspheres) Sodium hydroxide, also known as caustic soda, is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula NaOH. It is a white solid and highly caustic metallic base and alkali salt which is available in pellets, flakes, granules, and as prepared solutions at a number of different concentrations. Sodium hydroxide forms an approximately 50%…

Натриев сулфат

Sodium sulfate

Sodium sulfate Colorless crystals existing in a few modifications. A lozenge modification occurs in nature as the mineral Thenardier m.p. 884 ° C and a density of 2,698g / cm3. Na2SO4 – sodium sulfate [/ dt_quote] Sodium sulfate has the greatest solubility in water at 32,38 ° C of the aqueous solution is crystallized rhombic…

Натриев Триполифосфат

Nitrate salt

Nitrate salt Е 250 Preserved by Sodium nitrite is one of the oldest methods of preserving meat and meat products. Preservation of meat products retain their character Red color. Nitrite salt – food salt enriched with sodium nitrite, is ideal for this purpose. ESCO vacuum nitrite salt combines microbiological and technological advantages vacuum salt and…

Водороден пероксид

Hydrogen peroxide

H2O2 – Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide, H2O2), also known under the name of hydrogen peroxide, is the simplest of peroxides. H2O2 is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor at high concentrations to pale blue. Is amenable to mixing with water in all its states. The concentrated aqueous solutions are explosive. The temperature…

Дикалциев фосфат

Dicalcium phosphate

Dicalcium phosphate CaHPO4.2H20 – dicalcium phosphate Dicalcium phosphate (CaHPO4.2H20) has an excellent relation of P / Ca, which allows optimal balancing of the feed recipe. The amount of dicalcium phosphate in rations is determined by the shortage primarily phosphorus rations. Dicalcium phosphate is particularly valuable additive to feed for rearing pigs, poultry and ruminants. This…